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Lion's Gate Portal Specials , Last Day For Our Packages $1,111 Off & Sharing Our Weekend Event


Lion's Gate Portal Special Offerings

$1, 111 USD Off All Quantum Krystalline Multidimensional Mastery Living Embodiment & Lightbody DNA Activation's Personal One on One Package!!🐉

🪷 Starseed Evolution United 🪷

We Our Offerings Are Quantum Multidimensional Consciousness Living Mentoring & Krystalline Diamond Star Lightbody DNA Activation Energy Session Pricing Plan Packages.... Much More ❤️ Special Offerings With Akasha Ra Azurite

Krystalline Diamond Plasma Energy Matrix Embodiment!! 🪷

We currently have open Availability for New Mentorship.... 🪷

Activate Now - Explore Our Packages!

Shift into Alignment!! 🪷

Link 🌈 -

$1,111USD Off All Packages - Promo Code 🪷

🪽(LION'SGATE888) 🪽

What to Expect!!☄️

• New & Original Divine Krystalline Silica DNA Angelic New Quantum HUman Blueprints Activation's

• New Awareness - New Awakening - New Krystalline Physical Body Consciousness Computer System Living ❤️🩷🧡

• Re - Programming the Krystalline Data Base Hard Drive Super Quantum Computer System Within the Krystal Physical Body...💛💚💙🩵

• New Earth , Galactic Nova Terra Earth , Christed Sophia Kystalline Golden Earth, Golden God's Realm Earth , Higher 12D/ Beyond Parallel Earth Existence ...❤️🩷🧡

• Christ Consciousness Embodiment Existence

• Multi - dimensional Consciousness Full Embodiment Living 💜🩵💙💚

• Advanced Telepathic Training with your Higher Selves , Source Self , Oversoul, Galactic Selves, Avatar Selves , Universal Soul Selves, and World Creators Selves Clear Telepathic two way Communication Training 🩷🧡

• Super Quantum Computer System

• ( Merkaba Bodies/ Lightbodies) Reality Programming - Multi Dimensional Worlds, Galaxies, Universes, Parallel Earth's, Parallel Universes, Multi Verses Waking State Walking... We Walk as Pure Krystalline Light Within the Merkaba To All Star Portals, Galaxies, Star Gates, Within Our Quantum Universe Star Gate Chamber ( Krystal Human Vessel)..❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜

• ​Universal New Divine Galactic Quantum Human Consciousness Embodiment ... 7D/15D Beyond Full Body Living Existence - We Live Fully Conscious Within these Inner Dimensional Systems🤍💫🤍💫🤍

• New Awareness - New Awakening - New Krystalline Physical Body Consciousness Computer System Living


• Re - Programming the Krystalline Data Base Hard Drive Super Quantum Computer System Within the Krystal Physical Body...💜🩵💙

• New Earth , Galactic Nova Terra Earth , Christed Sophia Kystalline Golden Earth, Golden God's Realm Earth , Higher 12D/ Beyond Parallel Earth Existence...


• Deprogramming Old Earth Hard Drives 3D/4D Unconscious Sleeping States , Old Self/Ancestral / Past LIves Energetic Karmic Patterns, Shadow Selves, Old Aspects, Old Identities of Self that No Longer Serve Our Highest Pathways...❤️🩷🧡💛💚

• Multidimensional Quantum Mastery Embodiment of Our Living Light Code

• Language of Light Healing - Training - Speaking - Drawing Much More.....❤️🩷🧡

Explore Akasha Ra Azurite Individual Starseed One On One Mentoring & Quantum Energy Session's ! 🪷

Booking Available!! 🪷

Cosmic MultiDimensional Quantum Mentoring & Quantum Diamond Light Lightbody Activation's Personal Energy Session's🪷

Universal Divine New Human Re -Programming🪷

Multi - Dimensional Krystalline Diamond Plasma Quantum Consciousness Coaching 🪷

We Appreciate your Energetic Exchanges and support - Constribution of Light ! We Honor Your Soul...🪷

Thank You For Awakening as Creator , Wayshowers, Gatekeepers, and Whitelighters of the New Cosmic Shift 🪷

Join Our Live VIRTUAL "Starseed Evolution United 2 Day Event " ....


Lion's Gate Portal 888 Blast Off!!

Last Day For Our 50%Off Coupon Code Apply Before Check Out!!

$211 USD PER TICKET - Light Exchange!

50% Off Coupon Code!!

Promo Code 🎁[SiriusStarseed]

Welcome to Our Starseed Evolution Channel Live VIRTUAL EVENT 2 Day Weekend Course! With Akasha Ra Azurite & Galactic FAMILY! Part 1 Saturday and Part 2 Sunday

Light Energy Exchange - $211 USD

Link ♥️ To Book Tickets 🎟

We have Created a Easy Instant Manifestation / Materialization By Remembering To Build Your Realities/World/ Universe All By ProgrammingYour Realities Within your Super Quantum Computer System - Lightbody/ DiamondMerkaba Bodies / Galactic Stargate ship , We Meet Once a Week to Quantum Accelerate Shift All Within to Our Highest Purest Soul Contracts/ Purpose Fifth Dimension & Higher Time-lines as a Family of Light!

Are you Ready To Activate Your Galactic Divine New Human Consciousness Within! All Quantum Consciousness Existence Expansion!!

We Teach All Inner & Active Frequency Code/ Align Resonate Teaching's.. All Quantum NON LINER Highest Purest Soul Aligned Quantum Multidimensional Consciousness Mentoring..

What to Expand Expect - 2hour or More Classes All NON LINER Quantum Consciousness Flow Classes

- Instant Manifestation Creatix Techniques - Merkaba Vehicle Programming - Diamond Lightbody DNA Activation's Upgrades ! Remember Your Galactic Divine New Human Consciousness Soul Blueprint!

- Realign Instant Creation Manifestation Techniques - Inner Universe Realignment Inner & Active Teaching's - How to Create in the Quantum Fields/ Diamond Plasma 12D Quantum Fields for Instant Manifestation Materializing Into Physical Form!

- All Quantum Consciousness 5D BEYOND Nova Terra Earth Realities Upgrades - Quantum Multidimensional Consciousness Existence - Inner & Active Teaching's - Quantum Jumping/ Multi Dimensional Time-lines Jumping/ Multiple Timeline Jumping/ Collapsing Time-lines Within & In Sleep - Create New Realities/ Parallel Universe's Within! Understanding Holographic Diamond Plasma Liquid Realities! We Call Forth Our Heaven on Earth Realities!

- Instant Manifestation for Higher Vibrational Soul Contracts Shifting/ Relationship's/ WayShower/ Star Family/ Humanitarian Contracts/ Personal Divine Union Marriages Partnerships 5D & BEYOND... We are Teaching's How to Rewrite The Purest Soul Contracts and Clear Wrap Up Contracts that are no longer Energetically Aligned NON Pure Love Contracts... Will Need two Pieces of Paper for this Class for Rewriting Our New Nova Terra Earth Realities NON LINER Highest Aligned All Within Resonate Frequencies Vibrational Time-lines..

WE ARE Activating all to Share/ Provide/ Constribute as Humanitarian New Galactic Earth Family of Light!

See you Soon !

Master 333 Portal We Start , 12:12 Merkaba Vehicle Lightbody Activation Portals!

Light Energy Exchange - $211 USD

Link ♥️ To Book Tickets 🎟

We Appreciate ❤️ All Pure Energy Exchanges Of Light !

We Are Calling Forth Assistance for Our New Earth Projects 🌎 New Co Creations we are Seeding!!

Donations Links & PayPal Email Address for All PayPal Donations...

Cash 💸 App .- $StarseedEvolution777

Blessings 🌺 Divine Devotion ✨️ 🕊 💞

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