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Divine Universal Cosmic Language of Your Soul

The Divine Language of Light The Universal Cosmic Awakening Of the Galactic Higher Heart .... The Purest Gateway's Of Ascension....

What is Language of Light  ?


The Sacred Universal Angelic/ Galactic  Language of Light  the UniversalCODE is quantum alchemy expressed through Source light, sound, tone, symbols, and colors. Light Language allows the Transmission of "STAR" codes to assist with multi-dimensional healing on all levels.  This Beyond Pure Love Existence Experiance of Light Language Will Activate Our Internal Universal Star Gate  (Quantum Krystalline Super Computer System) We all Begin the Tele-portions Passageways of Our New  Nova terra Golden Earth Ascension initiation's.... Quantum Shifting from Deep Sleeping Amnesia States of Consciousness to Remembering Our Star  Born Blueprints.... We Awakening to Full 5D /12D Beyond Krystalline Energy  Diamond Plasma Matrices Magical Realities......


The codes are transmuted to your Higher Self/OVersoul/ UniversalSOUL to be released at the appropriate time For Integration........


Light Language activates the light bodies, clears karmic distortions, unlocks access to the akashic records, Galactic Gifts, All New Heaven on Earth Realities,  Ancient Data Memories... assists with deep cellular cleansing of old programming, and rewires the body's New Crystalline STArBODY Plasma Matrix energy fields......


The Divine Language of Light By Passes the Linar Mind ( Head) to Stream Your Oversoul Cosmic Key Codes Straight to the Galactic Higher Heart Chakra to Activation Your Krystalline DNA Strands ( Dormant DNA) to Key Code The Krystal Structures ...


Light language is a channeled - Source Cosmic Creator Transmitter Translator of Prime Creator Source  -multidimensional Star / Galactic / Universal language which brings sound and energy from SOLAR Source Rainbow Light Spectrum And Golden - Sliver Liquid Light  into the physical Body Conscious Field ( Light Bodies / Merkaba Bodies ) Your Inner Super Quantum Computer System - Your Inner Universe  .


It is a form of sound healing that can Assist us connect with higher realms of consciousness To Fully Anchor the Higher Realms Fully Here Within Our Universe.


It can be expressed through the voice (singing/toning/chanting/speaking), hands (writing/drawing) or body (movement/intuitive hand gestures). Light language communicates to the soul/ Oversoul/ Galactic / Universal Blueprints... 



The Music of the Orchestra of the Cathars 
Your Angelic Heart .... 
Music of The Galactic Heart ....
Plasma Photonic Rainbow Liquid Light...

12D - 24D - 32D - 72D  Krystalline DNA Strands Activation of Your Universal Soul Angelic / Galactic Krystalline Plasma Star Born Blueprint - Original & New Krystalline Quantum DNA Strands Key Codes... 

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